WARNING - By their nature, text files cannot include scanned images and tables. The process of converting documents to text only, can cause formatting changes and misinterpretation of the contents can sometimes result. Wherever possible you should refer to the pdf version of this document. CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Paper 6 – Outdoor Access Annual Event update 21 August 2007 CAIRNGORMS LOCAL OUTDOOR ACCESS FORUM Title: Outdoor Access Annual Event update Prepared by: Fran Pothecary Purpose: The purpose of the paper is to update the Forum on the progress to date in planning the Outdoor Access annual event on Sunday 30 September, and invite further recommendations. Advice sought: a) The Forum is invited to come up with suggestions for how best to structure the morning session b) The Forum is asked to endorse and support the plan for the day Background 1. The open public Annual Outdoor Access Event is planned to be on Sunday 30 September and based at Nethybridge Village Hall. As a base, Nethybridge provides a host of opportunities for a range of activities and perspectives to be explored. It is on the public transport network; has a well-promoted and ‘sponsored’ network of paths including the Speyside Way; is bordered by Abernethy Nature Reserve, the foothills of the Cairngorms, the Spey and large swathes of agricultural land. The hall itself is ideal for our purposes as it is fully accessible and has a side room and kitchen as well as the main hall. Basing the event in Nethybridge means that we will be supporting local businesses and community initiatives such as Explore Abernethy. Theme for the day 2. There is a balance to be struck in trying to make the day as appealing as possible to a wide range of people, and having a specific theme around which the event could be structured. We have steered away from tying down to a single topic and propose marketing the event along two lines: a. an opportunity to meet Forum members and hear about the Forum: and b. an opportunity to get ‘out and about’ in the afternoon looking at various outdoor issues and the associated messages of the Code. 3. The day will roughly be divided into two with a morning session introducing the LOAF, and the afternoon session focusing on the Code. The participation and leadership of Forum members will be integral to all parts of the day. Format for the day 4. The day will be open with tea and coffee on arrival. Dick Balharry will introduce a 5 minute “meet and greet” session when all Forum members will be asked to identify themselves. You will be asked to sport ‘big badges’ for easy recognition during the remainder of the day. Keynote Speaker 5. It is intended that there will be 15 minute slot for this and that we should identify someone who will attract attendance; have an interesting perspective on the Park in a national or international context, maybe through something they have achieved or work they have undertaken. Forum Speakers 6. Helen Geddes, Richard Wallace and Paul Corrigan have all agreed to do 5 minute talks on subjects broadly relating to recreation, land management and communities. They will be followed by a 5 minute talk from Bob Grant, focusing on the value of these broad perspectives to the Park Authority and giving an update on achievements of the Forum and Authority over the past year. A ‘Q&A’ session will follow with all the speakers seated as a panel – other staff and Forum members to be on hand to help out with questions! It is proposed that people will be asked to pose questions in advance of the event as well as taking them on the day. This session will lead into ‘breakout’ sessions to enable opportunities for interaction in smaller groups; these groups will be structured to address questions and areas of interest, and will be led by LOAF members. The Forum is invited to come up with suggestions for how best to structure the morning session Afternoon sessions 7. After lunch there will be an opportunity for people to engage in an outdoor discussion or site visit. There will be a choice of 6-8 sessions which will last approximately 2.5 hours. The purpose of these sessions will be to explore an issue e.g. farm management and access; multi-use trails; maintaining a path network; integrating water users; organising a small ‘Orienteering’ event, and in particular to focus on the messages of the Code in relation to those issues. Examples of proposed sessions are given below: • How to journey and camp with minimum impact • Running a small scale event • Managing a path network • A farm visit • Using signage to managing forestry operations • Multi-use on paths - Speyside Way • Canoeing and angling access – Broomhill Bridge • Getting to grips with the Know The Code (KTC) Activity Packs 8. It is not intended that the sessions will be marketed as ‘come and try it’ or ‘instructional’ sessions – and there are clearly time limitations as well as other organisational issues that would make it difficult to organise more specialist activities e.g. horse-riding or canoeing. It is intended to invite extra people with specialist skills and experience to head up these groups where appropriate (not in all cases) and give LOAF members to opportunity to co-lead alongside these hosts. Outline timetable for the day 10:15 Tea or coffee on arrival 10:30 Welcome from Convener 10:35 Keynote speaker 10:50 Forum members 11:05 Bob Grant, CNPA 11:10 Convene panel of speakers - Q & A 11:45 Breakout sessions for further discussion 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Site visits and discussion groups 16:00 Tea and coffee and round up 16:30 Close Advertising 9. The event will be advertised at least a month in advance through the press, email, and website, and people will be asked to notify us in advance of attendance so that we can have an idea of numbers for catering. Other considerations 10. There will be outdoor access related and Park related publications and information on display including the SOAC banners and activity specific Codes. The event will be evaluated and the key questions and issues from the morning session will be recorded. The event itself will be fully accessible and use will be made of the hearing loop and microphones. The Forum is asked to endorse and support the plan for the day Fran Pothecary Outdoor Access Officer franpothecary@cairngorms.co.uk